Mighty Mustang News

Unhealthy Snacks at School

Please Limit the Unhealthy Snacks / Por Favor Limite Los Refrigerios No Saludables

Absences and Tardies

It's important to be on time / Es importante llegar a tiempo

Mustang Monthly - October, 2023

This month has flown by! Thank you to our St. Elmo Community for helping us through a wonderful first 10 weeks of school. / ¡Este mes ha pasado volando! Gracias a nuestra comunidad de St. Elmo por ayudarnos durante unas maravillosas primeras 10 semanas de clases.

Calendar of Events

There are no events in the calendar.

Student Pledge - "My life is what I make of it. And everything, absolutely everything is within my reach. I promise to dream big, and to work hard!"

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