
The original St. Elmo community was located near the present site of Pleasant Hill in the St. Elmo School District which was established in 1914. The first school was located at what is currently the 4700 block of South First Street. The building was a one-room, unpainted frame building. One teacher taught 50 to 60 students, ranging in age from 7 to 24 years. In 1906, the building had no windowpanes and was surrounded by a wooded area and a few houses. During the period of 1915 to 1920, the enrollment was between 50 and 75. A fire occurred at 1:55 a.m. on September 18, 1928. The American Statesman reported that a tall chimney tower and a mass of hot ashes were all that remained of the St. Elmo school building.

The Austin city limits were extended to include the St. Elmo community in 1937 and the school became part of the Austin city school system. The St. Elmo Elementary that now exists opened its doors on September 6, 1960, with Mr. T.R. Huey as principal and Mrs. Jewel Hage as assistant principal. The school housed grades first through sixth, and there were 248 students enrolled. A dedication of the new building was held on September 19, 1960.

La comunidad original de St. Elmo fue localizada cerca del sitio donde se encuentra la escuela Pleasant Hill en el distrito escolar de St. Elmo, cual fue establecido en 1914. La primera escuela St. Elmo fue localizada en el area de 4700 South First Street. El plantel escolar era un cuarto sin pintura en un edificio de madera. Un maestro daba instrucción a 50 a 60 estudiantes de edades de 7 a 24 años. En 1906, en este plantel escolar, las ventanas no tenian vidrio y habia monte al rededor con pocas casas. Durante el período de 1915 a 1920, la escuela tenia de 50 a 75 alumnos. Un incendio ocurió a la 1:55 de la mañana el 18 de septiembre. El periódico el American Statesman reportó que todo lo que quedaba de la escuela era una torre de chimenea y cenizas calientes.

Los limites de la ciudad de Austin se extendieron a incluir la comunidad de St. Elmo in 1937 y la escuela St. Elmo se integró al distrito escolar de Austin. La escuela St. Elmo Elementary que existe hoy abrió las puertas el 6 de septiembre, 1960 con el director el Sr. T.R. Huey y la subdirectora la Sra. Jewel Hage. En aquellos tiempos, la escuela tenia 248 alumnos de primer a sexto grado. Se celebró la inauguración del plantel escolar nuevo el 19 de septiembre, 1960.